sujet : on prétend que les réseaux sociaux: Facebook, tweeter,,,etc annihilent la communication ordinaire famille, amis... êtes-vous du même avis ?

 A l'heur actuelle, la communication virtuelle envahit notre vie, mais, il ya une catégorie de gens qui rejette l’intérêt des réseaux sociaux FACEBOOK et TWEETER, cette opinion est-elle sensée ?

   Il est évident que ce genre de communication hypothétique est juste un passe-temps peu bénéfique, en effet, durant des heures l’échange touche des aspects banals et superficiels.


 A l'opposé, il faut avouer que cet espace occasion des opportunités inouïes ainsi il nous renseigne sur des événements multiples avec les commentaires des interlocuteurs, à travers le monde.

    En outre, c'est un substitut fiable a la communication avec les proches en fait cela permet de tisser d'autres relations, vivre d'autres expériences. 

    Mieux encore, le FACEBOOK notamment contribue, enrichir nos informations et à dépasser les mentalités rétrogrades des adultes .

    En somme, cet univers virtuel reste un refuge confortable et un moyen pour surmonter la monotonie quotidienne.

P.ecrite                              Argumenter

Sujet :  pour certains, le journal intime représente une pure perte de temps, cette prise de position vous semble-t-elle pertinente ? précisez votre point de vue avec des arguments .


     Dans notre vie quotidienne on peut utiliser plusieurs moyens pour s’exprimer ( théâtre, peinture, poésie,,, etc ). A ce propos, certains recouvrent au journal intime considéré comme un confident. Mais il ya une autre catégorie qui voit que l’écriture est une énergie gaspillé. Cela dit cet acte est-il un choix pertinent ?
         Pour les détracteurs du journal intime, cette forme d’écriture est infructueuse, en effet il n’apporte aucune solution aux problèmes, en plus on ne peut pas excel le risque que le journal intime soit divulgué conséquent, l’intimité devient connue de tous.
        En revanche, il me semble que ce mode d’expression dépasse les formes caduques ainsi c’est un ami à qui sans perplexité sans calculs.
      En outre, c’est un moyen incomparable afin de surmonter les blocages, les hésitations par une expression juste.Mieux encore, le journal intime est une source d’apprentissage pour tout le monde. En réalité c’est une expérience humaine bénéfique.
          En bref, il est indiscutable que le journal intime est un moment d'évasion et de soulagement. Il améliore notre état psychique et nous permet d’affronter la réalité.

P.ecrite                              Argumenter
      Sujet :    la mendicité constitue une partie de notre paysage selon vous , est-elle tolérable ?


  La mendicité est un phénomène qui a pris, durant les dernières années, des dimensions alarmantes dans notre pays. En effet plusieurs indicateurs nous renseignent sur l’ampleur de ce fléau . peut-on le tolérés ?

       D'abord, une personne qui exerce la mendicité n’est pas nécessairement pauvre , car il ya certaines personnes qui vivent dans les périphéries des grandes villes qui louent des enfants ou des handicapés pour suscité la pitié des autres.
      En second lieu, la mendicité se propage à une vaste échelle, résultat de la misère sociale, malgré les recommandations de la religion islamique qui interdit cette coutume humiliante .

       En conclusion, la mendicité nuit a l’image du pays dons, il faut identifier les causes de ce phénomène et agir avec efficacité et solidarité .
Frequently used Phrasal Verbs

Phrasal Verbs with:

break down
fail to function
have a physical or mental collapse
break in
interrupt a discussion
soften with use (shoes)
break off
discontinue (therapy, relationship)
break out
escape from prison, begin suddenly
break up
end a relationship

bring about
cause to happen
bring forth
give birth to
bring forward
draw attention to sth
bring on
cause to happen or appear
bring round
cause to recover consciousness
bring up
rear, educate a child

call back
return a phone call
call for
call in
communicate by phone
consult a specialist
call off
call out
read names aloud
order workers to strike
call on
request sb to do sth
call up
reach by phone
summon for military services

carry away
inspire, affect emotionally
carry off
take away (by force)
remove, degrade (earth)
carry on
carry out
accomplish, make
carry through
bring out of difficulties

come about
happen, to be achieved
come across
find/meet by chance
come after
come at
reach, discover
come back
come by
pass, go past, visit
buy, get
come down
fall (price)
come down to
mean, signify
come down with
fall sick with
come in
enter, be received
prove to be
come in for
receive, be object of (criticism)
come off
become detached
come out
become known, be published
be removed (stain)
come over
come from a distance
come round
visit sb
recover consciousness
come to
amount to
arrive/reach a place
come up
be mentioned/discussed
(problem) arise
come up against
be faced with (problems)
come upon
find/meet by chance
come up to
match (a standard)
come up with
produce an idea

do away with
do up
dress up
fasten, secure (clothing)
do with
do without
not require

fall apart
fall into pieces
fall behind
fail to keep up pace
fall for
be in love with
be deceived by
fall in with
meet by chance
coincide with
fall off
drop from
fall out
fall out with
quarrel with
fall through
fail, miscarry
fall to
start an activity eagerly

get across
communicate (an idea)
get along
be in good terms with somebody
get away
get away with
escape (punishment)
get by
manage, cope
get down to
turn one's attention to sth
get in
enter (car, taxi)
get off
disembark (bus, train etc.)
get on
enter (bus, train etc.)
get out
disembark (car, taxi)
get over
recover (illness, upset)
get through
pass (an exam)
be connected on the phone
get to
get up
rise from bed after sleeping

go against
be contrary to (principles, rules)
go along with
take the same view
go away
go down
become less
decrese in price
sink (ship)
set (sun)
go for
pick up, go and get
go off
deteriorate (food)
begin to sound (alarm)
go on
go out
leave the house
go over
inspect the details of sth
go past
go round
visit informally
go through
deal with
discuss in detail
experience sth (usually bad)
go up
increase in price
go with

keep away
prevent from / avoid being near
keep back
keep down
not to increase
keep off
avoid (a topic)
stay away
keep on
not stopping doing sth
keep up
continue, carry on
keep up with
not to fall behind sb

look after
take care of
look down on
regard with a feeling of superiority
look for
look forward to
anticipate with pleasure
look into
investigate (a crime)
look on
be a spectator
look out
be careful
look over
inspect hastily
look through
pretend not to see
examine the contents of sth
look up
consult a reference book
look up to

make for
have/produce a particular effect
make off
run away
make out
recognise, distinguish
make up
constitute, form
invent a lie
put together, prepare
apply cosmetics
make up for
regain (time)

put across
express in an understandable way
put back
put sth to its proper place
lay money aside for the future
move back the hands of a clock
put by
save for later use
put down
write down
store (food)
put down to
give as a reason, attribute to
put forward
move forward the hands of a clock
suggest, propose
put in for
be a candidate for an election
put on
dress oneself with
gain (weight)
put off
put out
extinguish (a fire, light)
put through
connect sb by phone
put up
raise (hand)
provide accomodation for
offer for sale
put up with
tolerate, accept

run after
run away
escape, flee
run down
knock down, collide with
feel weak due to overwork
run in
run into
meet by chance
run off
escape, flee
run out
run outside
become used up
run out of
exhaust one's stock
run over
study quickly
pass over, knock down
run up against
meet with difficulties

set aside
reserve for later use
set back
hinder, slow down a progress
set down
write down
set off
cause to explode
start a journey
set up
start business

take after
follow sb as an example
resemble in appearance
take down
write down
take in
understand (meaning)
take off
begin flight (plane)
take to
develop a habit
take up
continue, proceed
become interested in
take up with
begin to associate with

turn down
diminish the intensity
turn in
hand in
turn off
switch off
turn on
switch on
turn out
switch off
turn over
bring the reverse side up
turn up
increase the intensity
make an appearance


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